It’s Going To Take Time
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The feminist history of the bicycle, told through song, accompanied by a bike played as musical instrument
A concert and a conversation; a meeting place of two people, and the North and South of our country.
A play about the live, love and legacies of queer icons Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Tolkas. Created by the Independent Aunties.
A musical essay that re-imagines Stan Roger's iconic Canadian folk song Northwest Passage.
Evalyn Parry is an award-winning Canadian performance-maker, theatrical innovator and cultural leader. As a writer/performer, director, dramaturge, songwriter, cultural producer and educator, Parry has built a diverse body of work across disciplines of theatre, music and literary performance, and her work has toured extensively both nationally and internationally. From 2015 to 2020 she served as Artistic Director of the renowned queer theatre company Buddies in Bad Times Theatre in T’karonto / Toronto. Recent shows include Kiinalik:These Sharp Tools (Edinburgh International Festival, Luminato); SPIN (a musical work about the feminist history of the bicycle); Gertrude and Alice (Independent Aunties; a finalist for the Governor General’s Literary Award for Drama); The Dialysis Project by Leah Lewis, (RCAT Newfoundland), The Youth/ Elders Project (Buddies); Obaaberima by Tawiah M’Carthy (Buddies, Dora Award for Outstanding Production). She has released five albums of music and spoken word, and is the recipient of the KM Hunter Award for Theatre, the Ken McDougall Award for Directing, and the Colleen Peterson Songwriting Award. Currently pursuing graduate work in Cultural Studies at Queen’s University in Katarokwi / Kingston, Evalyn’s research explores the connection between leadership, creative practice, and decolonial futures.
go to bandcamp / spotify / apple music etc
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